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clearing and grubbing (tree cutting and it's measurements) , Dismantling culverts, bridges and other structures / pavements (bituminous road/ Concrete pavements), backfilling and its measurements etc.

Site clearance Work -


1 - Scope

This work shall consist of cutting, removing and disposidg of all materials such as trees, bushes, shrubs, stumps, roots, grass, weeds, rubbish, top organic soil, etc. to an average depth of 150 mm in thickness, which in the opinion of the Engineer are unsuitable for incorporation in the works, from the area of road land containing road embankment, drains, cross-drainage structures and such other areas as may be specified on the drawings or by the Engineer. It shall include necessary excavation, backfilling of pits resulting from uprooting of trees and stumps to required compaction, handling, salvaging, and disposal of cleared materials with all leads and lifts. Clearing and grubbing shall be performed in advance of earthwork operations and in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications.

2 -Preservation of Property/Amenities

Roadside trees, shrubs, any other plants, pole lines, fences, signs, monuments, buildings, pipelines, sewers and all highway facilities within or adjacent to the highway which are not to be disturbed shall be protected from injury or damage. The Contractor shall provide and install at his own cost, suitable safeguards approved by the Engineer for this purpose.

During clearing and grubbing, the Contractor shall take all adequate precautions against soil erosion, water pollution, etc., and where required, undertake additional works. Before start of operations, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, his work plan including the procedure to be followed for disposal of waste materials, etc., and the schedules for carrying out temporary and permanent erosion control works(to check more details about erosion control works please see section-300 of MORTH 5th revision). 

3 -Methods, Tools and Equipment

Only such methods, tools and equipment as are approved by the Engineer and which will not affect any property to be preserved shall be adopted for the Work. If the area has thick vegetation/roots/trees, a crawler or pneumatic tyred dozer of adequate capacity may be used for clearance purposes. The dozer shall have ripper attachments for removal of tree stumps. All trees, stumps, etc., falling within excavation and fill lines shall be cut to such depth below ground level that in no case these fall within 500 mm of the bottom of the subgrade. Also, all vegetation such as roots, under-growth, grass and other deleterious matter unsuitable for incorporation in the embankment/subgrade shall be removed between fill lines to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All branches of trees extending above the roadway shall be trimmed as directed by the Engineer.

All excavations below the general ground level arising out of the removal of trees, stumps, etc., shall be filled with suitable material and compacted thoroughly so as to make the surface at these points conform to the surrounding area.

Ant-hills both above and below the ground, as are liable to collapse and obstruct free subsoil water flow shall be removed and their workings, which may extend to several metres, shall be suitably treated.

4 -Disposal of Materials 

All materials arising from clearing and grubbing operations shall be taken over and shall be disposed of by the Contractor at suitable disposal sites with all leads and lifts. The disposal shall be in accordance with local, State and Central regulations 

5- Measurements for Payment 

Clearing and grubbing for road embankment, drains and cross-drainage structures shall be measured on area basis in terms of hectares. Cutting of trees upto 300 mm in girth and removal of their stumps, including removal of stumps upto 300 mm in girth left over after trees have been cut by any other agency, and trimming of branches of trees extending above the roadway and backfilling to the required compaction shall be considered incidental to the clearing and grubbing operations. Clearing and grubbing of borrow areas shall be deemed to be a part of works preparatory to embankment construction and shall be deemed to have been included in the rates quoted for the embankment construction item and no separate payment shall be made for the same.

Ground levels shall be taken prior to and after clearing and grubbing. Levels taken prior to clearing and grubbing shall be the base level and will be accordingly used for assessing the depth of clearing and grubbing and computation of quantity of any unsuitable material which is required to be removed. The levels taken subsequent to clearing and grubbing shall be the base level for computation of earthwork for embankment. 

Cutting of trees, excluding removal of stumps and roots of trees of girth above 300 mm shall be measured in terms of number according to the girth sizes given below :-
 i) Above 300 mm to 600 mm
 ii) Above 600 mm to 900 mm
 iii) Above 900 mm to 1800 mm
 iv) Above 1800 mm 

Removal of stumps and roots including backfilling with suitable material to required compaction shall be a separate item and shall be measured in terms of number according to the sizes given below:- 
i) Above 300 mm to 600 mm
 ii) Above 600 mm to 900 mm 
iii) Above 900 mm to 1800 mm 
iv) Above 1800 mm 

For the purpose of cutting of trees and removal of roots and stumps, the girth shall be measured at a height of 1 m above ground or at the top of the stump if the height of the stump is less than one metre from the ground. 


The Contract unit rates for the various items of clearing and grubbing shall be payment in full for carrying out the required operations including full compensation for all labour, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. These will also include removal of stumps of trees less than 300 mm girth excavation and back-filling to required density, where necessary, and handling, giving credit towards salvage value disposing of the cleared materials with all lifts and leads. Clearing and grubbing(C&G) done in excess of 150 mm by the Contractor shall be made good by the Contractor at his own cost to the satisfaction of the Engineer prior to taking up earthwork. Where clearing and grubbing is to be done to a level beyond 150 mm, due to site considerations, as directed by the Engineer, the extra quantity shall be measured and paid separately.

The Contract unit rate for cutting trees of girth above 300 mm shall include handling, giving credit towards salvage value disposing of the cleared materials with all lifts and leads. 

The Contract unit rate for removal of stumps and roots of trees girth above 300 mm shall include excavation and backfilling with suitable material to required compaction, handling, giving credit towards salvage value disposing of the cleared materials with all lifts and leads. 

The Contract unit rate is deemed to include credit towards value of usable materials, salvage value of unusable materials and off-set price of cut trees and stumps belonging to the Forest Department. The off-set price of cut trees and stumps belonging to the Forest Department shall be deducted from the amount due to the Contractor and deposited with the State Forest Department. In case the cut trees and stumps are required to be deposited with the Forest Department the Contractor shall do so and no deduction towards the off-set price shall be effected. The offset price shall be as per guidelines / estimates of the State Forest Department. 

Where a Contract does not include separate items of clearing and grubbing, the same shall be considered incidental to the earthwork items and the Contract unit prices for the same shall be considered as including clearing and grubbing operations.


1- Scope This work shall consist of dismantling and removing existing culverts, bridges, pavements,kerbs and other structures like guard-rails, fences, utility services, manholes, catch basins, inlets, etc., from the right of way which in the opinion of the Engineer interfere with the construction of road or are not suitable to remain in place, disp.osing of the surplus/unsuitable materials and backfilling to after the required compaction as directed by the Engineer.

Existing culverts, bridges, pavements and other structures which are within the highway and which are designated for removal, shall be removed upto the limit and extent specified in the drawings or as indicated by the Engineer.

Dismantling and removal operations shall be carried out with such equipment and in such a manner as to leave undisturbed, adjacent pavement, structures and any other work to be left in place.

All operations necessary for the removal of any existing structure which might endanger new construction shall be completed prior to the start of new work.

2 - Dismantling Culverts and Bridges

The structures shall be dismantled carefully and the resulting materials so removed as not to cause any damage to the part of the structure to be retained and any other properties or structures nearby.

Unless otherwise specified, the superstructure portion of culverts/bridges shall be entirely removed and other parts removed up to at least 600 mm below the sub-grade, slope face or original ground level whichever is the lowest or as necessary depending upon the interference they cause to the new construction. Removal of overlying or adjacent material, if required in connection with the dismantling of the structures, shall be incidental to this item.

Where existing culverts/bridges are to be extended or otherwise incorporated in the new work, only such part or parts of the existing structure shall be removed as are necessary and directed by the Engineer to provide a proper connection with the new work. The connecting edges shall be cut, chipped and trimmed to the required lines and grades without weakening or damaging any part of the structure to be retained. Due care should be taken to ensure that reinforcing bars which are to be left in place so as to project into the new work as dowels or ties are not injured during removal of concrete.

Pipe culverts shall be carefully removed in such a manner as to avoid damage to the pipes.
Steel structures shall, unless otherwise provided, be carefully dismantled in such a manner as to avoid damage to members thereof. If specified in the drawings or directed by the Engineer that the structure is to be removed in a condition suitable for re-erection, all members shall be match-marked by the Contractor with white lead paint before dismantling; end pins, nuts, loose plates, etc. shall be similarly marked to indicate their proper location; all pins, pin holes and machined surfaces shall be painted with a mixture of white lead and tallow and all loose parts shall be securely wired to adjacent members or packed in boxes. Timber structures shall be removed in such a manner as to avoid damage to such timber or lumber having salvage value as is designated by the Engineer.

3- Dismantling Pavements and Other Structures
 In removing pavements, kerbs, gutters, and other structures like guard-rails, fences, manholes, catch basins, inlets, etc., where portions of the existing construction are to be left in the finished work, the same shall be removed to an existing joint or cut and chipped to a true line with a face perpendicular to the surface of the existing structure. Sufficient removal shall be made to provide for proper grades and connections with the new work as directed by the Engineer.

All concrete pavements, base courses in carriage way and shoulders etc., designated  for removal shall be broken to pieces  shall not exceed 0.02 cu.m and used with the approval of the Engineer or disposed of.

4-  Back-filling
Holes and depressions caused by dismantling operations Shall be backfilled with excavated or other approved materials and compacted to required density as directed by the Engineer.

5-  Disposal of Materials
All surplus materials shall be taken over by the Contractor which may either be re-used with the approval of the Engineer or disposed of with all leads and lifts.

6-  Measurements for Payment
The work of dismantling shall be paid for in units indicated below by taking measurements before and after, as applicable:
i)Dismantling brick/stone masonry/concrete (plain and reinforced)  : cubic metre
ii) Dismantling flexible and cement   concrete pavement :  cubic metre
iii) Dismantling steel structures.      : tonne
iv) Dismantling timber structures. :cubic metre
v) Dismantling pipes, guard rails, kerbs, gutters and fencing  :linear metre
vi) Utility services   :Number

7- Rates

The Contract unit rates for the various items of dismantling shall be paid in full for carrying out the required operations including full compensation for all labour, materials, tools, equipment, safeguards and incidentals necessary to complete the work. The rates will include excavation and backfilling to the required compaction and for handling, giving credit towards salvage value disposing of dismantled materials with all lifts and leads.

Thanks a lot
Mukesh Kumar 


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